Non perdeva 3 match di fila da 5 anni. 8° sconfitta contro un TOP8. Davydenko lo elimina già alla 2° giornata. Gruppo B: il destino di Djokovic in mano a Soderling…
da Londra, Giorgio Spalluto – foto Getty Images

In questo momento non valgo il numero 1” aveva detto Rafa al termine del match contro Soderling, a chi gli chiedeva se credesse ancora nella possibilità di sopravanzare Federer in vetta al ranking, ormai matematicamente appannaggio dello svizzero. Purtroppo Nadal in questo momento della stagione non vale probabilmente nessuno degli altri 7 giocatori presenti qui al Master. Forse solo con Verdasco, (peraltro sempre battuto nei 9 precedenti), il maiorchino potrebbe avere qualche chance di vittoria, lui che paradossalmente vantava alla vigilia del torneo un bilancio positivo con tutti gli altri 7 contendenti al titolo. Da stasera non più, visto che con la vittoria odierna, Davydenko pareggia i conti (4-4) e conferma una volta di più quanto indigesto risulti il suo gioco al numero 2 del mondo, sempre sconfitto negli ultimi 4 precedenti sul veloce, l’ultimo dei quali si era svolto poche settimane fa nella finale del Master1000 di Shanghai.
Molto più netto (6-1 7-6) il riscontro odierno a favore del numero 7 del mondo, e sarebbe stato ancora più a senso unico, se Davydenko non si fosse distratto sul 4-2 del secondo set, esaltando in tal modo lo smisurato orgoglio del manacorino, già bravo a non capitolare in apertura di set (annullando una palla break nel 1° gioco e due nel 3°), dopo la severa lezione impartitagli da Nikolay nel primo parziale. Il russo sembrava rimettere le cose a posto nell’11° game, strappando per la 4° volta nel match, il servizio all’avversario. Conscio di essere a un passo dal baratro, Nadal dava tutto nel game di risposta sfruttando prima l’ausilio di occhio di falco che annullava un ace a Davydenko, e mettendo a segno in serie, una risposta vincente e un dritto lungo linea impossibile da contenere per Kolya. Si giungeva così al tiebreak, che vedeva i 2 giocatori scambiarsi 4 minibreak nei primi 4 punti. Sul 3-2 per Rafa, uno scambio sensazionale (27 colpi di rara intensità) chiuso da uno smash del russo, regalava l’abbrivio vincente a Davydenko che, sul 4-3, piazzava l’allungo decisivo, grazie ad un altro scambio d’antologia, ancora una volta chiuso a rete, dopo una serie di dritti devastanti.

La seconda sconfitta in 2 set costa al maiorchino l’eliminazione dalla fase a gironi, con una giornata di anticipo. Nelle 2 precedenti partecipazioni, Rafa era sempre riuscito quantomeno ad issarsi sino alle semifinali, venendo sconfitto in entrambe le occasioni da Roger Federer.

I numeri nel tennis non mentono e sono impietosi con Rafa che, con quella odierna, deve registrare l’ottava sconfitta di fila contro un TOP8, a partire dalla finale persa a Madrid, in maggio contro Federer. Ancora più sconfortante il computo dei set: 0 vinti e 17 persi. Il numero 2 del mondo, inoltre, non perdeva 3 partite di fila (alle 2 del Master va aggiunta la semifinale di Bercy) da più di 5 anni. Nell’estate del 2004, quindi poco più che diciottenne, dopo aver perso nei quarti a Stoccarda, fu eliminato nel primo turno dei Master1000 di Toronto e Cincinnati.

Tornando alla situazione del gruppo B, occorre sottolineare quanto precaria sia diventata la posizione di Djokovic, il cui destino è praticamente nelle mani di Robin Soderling, già sicuro del passaggio del turno al termine del suo match pomeridiano. In caso di vittoria di Davydenko sullo svedese nell’ultimo match, il serbo sarebbe comunque eliminato, pur vincendo contro Nadal. Dovesse vincere in 2 set, il russo chiuderebbe il girone addirittura al comando, davanti allo svedese.  

match vinti/persi – set vinti/persi

Robin Soderling 2/0 – 4/0
Novak Djokovic 1/1 – 2/3
Nikolay Davydenko 1/1 – 3/2
Rafa Nadal 0/2 – 0/4


mercoledì 25 novembre

(8) Soderling (SVE) b. (3) Djokovic (SER) 76(5) 61
(6) Davydenko (RUS) b. (2) Nadal (SPA) 61 76(4)

giovedì 26 novembre

non prima delle ore 14.15 locali (le 15.15 in Italia)

(4) Murray (GBR) c. (7) Verdasco (SPA)

non prima delle ore 20.45 locali (le 21.45 in Italia)
(1) Federer (SVI) c. (5) Del Potro (ARG)

venerdì 27 novembre

non prima delle ore 14.15 locali (le 15.15 in Italia)

(2) Nadal (SPA) c. (3) Djokovic (SER)
non prima delle ore 20.45 locali (le 21.45 in Italia)

(6) Davydenko (RUS) c. (8) Soderling (SVE)

© 2009  “Il Tennis Italiano” – Tutti i diritti riservati

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THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

        Q.  How happy are you right now with that victory?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  Not so happy.  It’s like robin round.  It’s not like I won tournament.  Just winning match, now 1-All.  Still, you know, maybe chance, maybe not, to come, you know, to the semifinal.
        But after first match, I show my good tennis in the second match.  I was surprising.  We’ll see if I can show the same tennis in the third match.

        Q.  You started very well.  What happened towards the end of the second set?  You looked a bit tired.  Was it the breathing problem or something else?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  No, you asking already why Djokovic losing so easy second set.  You know, I was thinking he was tired after my match.  And was also the same against Djokovic, was so tough match.
        I have little bit injury, you know, my leg in the first match.  Was already starting have pain in the second set today because we running every point.  Was not so easy.
        And, yeah, I am not like animal.  But was good, you know, finishing in one tiebreak second set.

        Q.  What do you think about your first set?  Perhaps Rafa was not so good at that moment or it was a good performance from you?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  No, my first set was good.  I make good serve and play very fast.  That’s was Nadal have no chance because today surface was faster.  Like I remember we play Monday was a little bit slow.  I was surprising, was warming up today before match, and was low and faster, some surface.  That’s was maybe it was good for me.  That’s was I won first set easy.  It’s very difficult to run if you play fast, right, left.  It’s not so easy, you know, running and putting balls back or control balls.
        I don’t know what’s can happen Friday, how fast be.

        Q.  One of the things you did very well in the match was coming to the net.  Was that your tactic?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  Like I explain, like after my first match against Djokovic.  Yes, I want to do something.  I want to prove my tennis.  And for sure, for every match, future, I want to play volley, come to the net, to realize these points.  I think it’s a good idea, make good serve, play in the net, good volley, give me much more confidence.
        And I hope for the futures, this give me really chance winning easy matches or easy points, what I didn’t make before.  You know, last year before, play against Nadal, other guys, only baseline.  I see I can go to the net, but now I realize.  Now I try.  Maybe because now I’m 28 years old, I need to do something.

        Q.  You said you have a little injury.  What is it and are you worried for the next match?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  I don’t know yet.  I just see tomorrow practicing how I feeling.  It’s my left leg.  I don’t know how I wake up and how I feel tomorrow.  Just I know already for sure tomorrow what’s can happen for Friday.

        Q.  I was looking at your last few years and realized that you ranked No. 5 or above in every one of the last four years.  Do you feel you’ve had the respect for those finishes?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  From who?

        Q.  From everybody.  Do you think you get the respect you deserve for somebody who has finished in the top five for four years in a row?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  No, I was disappointment because I’m losing three months.  I didn’t play Australia Open, Indian Wells, Miami, Dubai.  You know, this is big tournaments.  It’s important tournament.  If I do some points then, my ranking go higher.  Maybe I can finish to being No. 5 or 6.
        Now, end of the season, I’m already in top eight.  You know, for sure I want to try in beginning in season in Australia Open coming maybe better because I have zero points.  If I make good result, my ranking be better, higher.

        Q.  You’re a helluva player, better than most people think.  You don’t have a racquet endorsement.  Do you think people should respect you more as a player, as the great player you are, also sponsorship-wise?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  No, maybe I don’t like this, this life.  If somebody respect me and waiting from me winning, you know, tournaments.  Like today Nadal, Nadal, Nadal.  It’s good.  Can always say, Nadal.  That’s was I have no pressure and I can play my tennis.  I show my best tennis and I winning.  That’s was if nobody waiting, maybe it’s good for me and easy to win tournament.

        Q.  How come Prince does not sponsor you any more?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  Because Prince no money.  Crisis (smiling).  I know Prince give everything to Sharapova and no money anymore.
        We’ll see for next season if I make with Prince or another company.  But with Prince I still four years play very well.  I don’t know, maybe keep racquets, but no contract still.

        Q.  You were up a break twice in the second set, Nadal managed to fight back each time.  The momentum was shifting towards Nadal.  The crowd was getting behind him going into the tiebreaker.  How did you manage to keep your mental focus in the tiebreaker on the important points?
        NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO:  Like I say, I have no pressure.  Doesn’t matter like people say something, Nadal or anyone.  Just I didn’t listen anyone.  It’s important tiebreak.  Tiebreak for me, it’s really important.  I concentration hundred percent.  I try to win.  Mostly everything what I play in tiebreak last few months I win.  That’s was for me really different between games and tiebreak.
        Again, I realize my tiebreak today and I won.

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

        Q.  Rafa, a few days ago you were fighting to become No. 1 in the world.  Now you’re No. 2 and you’re out of the Masters.  How does it feel?  How difficult is it to accept this difficult situation?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  No, I didn’t came here to be No. 1, no?  I said before the tournament that’s not my goal because I think I not playing well enough to be No. 1 right now.
        So the first thing is you have to know how you are playing right now and which chances you have in the moment, no?  And my chances before coming here was not be No. 1, so the first thing is not difficult accept.
        And be out of the Masters, yeah, well, that’s sport and everything can happen.  I didn’t arrive to this tournament with this full confidence that you need to win these matches.  And in the moments that I had to play well, I didn’t play well, no?  I had mistakes.
        I fight a lot.  Both matches I fighted.  I tried my best all the time, but it wasn’t enough to win these matches.  That’s it, no?  I still working.
        You know, today I think mentally I was better.  I played a terrible game at 5-All in the second set.  But the rest, I tried to do different things during all the match, trying to play more aggressive with the forehand.  That’s important thing that I am improved a little bit today.  So just trying every day.  Every day trying a little bit more.

        Q.  You mentioned the problem for you is confidence at the moment.  In your experience, how do you regain your confidence?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  That’s not a very big problem, no?  I think without playing very good tennis in all the matches, I had my chances against the best players of the world.  So I am not worried about that, no?
        I think the season is done, and I am playing difficult surfaces for me.  When the season going to start next year, probably I going to play a little bit more favorable surfaces for my game.
        And practicing, practicing well, practicing with positive fact that I’m practicing and working a lot, that’s the way for me, the only way to improve the situation.  That’s what I did all my life:  work.

        Q.  Novak earlier today said he didn’t enjoy playing today at all.  Did you enjoy any part of tonight?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  You know, the beginning of the match was hard for me, no?  But later I fight, no?  I came back for two times in the second set fighting.  I played a terrible game on the 5-All.  But in the 6-5, I played a very good game.  So that’s positive, because you are there.  You had a very difficult moment in the 5-All, but after that, you can forget about that game and play another game full, no?  So that’s important, no?  That’s the important thing.
        That says I am ready to compete, no?  That’s the positive things, the best things, as I say before.  But that’s sport, and anything can happen on the sport.  You have some better moments, bad moments.  Right now when you have bad moments, you have to work to improve.

        Q.  You’ll go from here to the Davis Cup.  I think you start training almost immediately for next year.  How do you think you’re going to feel by next summer?  You won’t have had a break for many months, will you?  You will start training for 2010 immediately after the Davis Cup.
        RAFAEL NADAL:  Yes, I understand.

        Q.  And you won’t have had any sort of break, will you?  How do you feel about that?  How will you feel next summer?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  No, I had enough breaks this year.  Too much, in my opinion (smiling).
        I am ready.  I am ready to practice hard.  I have motivation to play another time my best tennis.  And, you know, right now my motivation is another time I feel I am playing my best.  When you have this goal and you have this motivation, doesn’t matter if you are tired or not.  So I am ready to start practicing and to start playing in 2010, no?
        I gonna have few break after Rotterdam.  So that’s it, no?  Later, after Wimbledon, I hope.

        Q.  How far away do you think you are from your best, in your own opinion?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  10 meters (laughter).
        No, I don’t know.

        Q.  Do things feel very different at the moment?  Obviously, the serve is 110, 111, not 120.  Things just seem off.
        RAFAEL NADAL:  No, no, no, the serve is no problem.  No, the problem for my game for sure will not be the serve right now.  But, yes, no, I feel a little bit more tired on court than before probably because I didn’t have this continuation in this second half or part of the year.  When I play a few tough points, I feel more tired to play the next ones.  That’s very important in this sport, no?
        I don’t know how far I am from my best.  I think the tennis and the sport change like this (snapping fingers).  The important thing is, when this change can happen, be ready to do it.

        Q.  Davis Cup final is coming.  You and Fernando are playing here at a high level.  The Czech players are practicing.  In your opinion, who feels better in this approach?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  I don’t know, no?  I don’t know.  Everybody gonna have his chances that day.  They are good players to play on clay, too.  So they gonna have more time to practice than us.  But we gonna play at home with the crowd in our favorite surface.  So we will see.
        On Saturday I gonna be ready to practice hard another time on clay.  I gonna try my best to be as good as possible on Friday.

        Q.  When you get back on the practice court, is there anything in particular that you’re looking to practice on ahead of next season?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  You know, I have to play another time with this intensity, with this full rhythm with my forehand, one time, another time, another time, playing without mistakes, playing this intensity that the other ones can’t attack you, so you can have the control of the point, but without a lot of risk.
        That’s the goal right now, no?  Have this rhythm, this intensity with the forehand and backhand.  And, sure, can play 10, 12, 20 shots with the confidence, without think if you gonna have mistake or not, no?  So that’s the goal right now.
        Sure, still improving the serve.  But that’s my game.  That’s what I said before.  The serve is the thing I have to still improving always, no?  But that’s not gonna be a big change on my serve.  But I have to still working hard on my serve, my first serve, my second serve, to serve a little bit faster with a little bit more high percentage.  So that’s the things, no?

        Q.  You lost all the sets that you played against the top eight players since Madrid this year.
        THE MODERATOR:  He beat Tsonga.

        Q.  Do you think you’re giving players confidence that the next time they can play against you, they won’t fight the fight they were used to have?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  Well, anyway, if I lost my sets against the top eight players, that’s the thing, I lost.  What’s happen?  Nothing.  So just still working hard to change the situation.
        I think I don’t have to show to no one I can win the sets against the top eight players of the world.  I think that’s not the problem right now, no?  When I will be ready to win one set to the one top 10, I gonna be ready to win important tournaments.  So that’s not the thing.

        Q.  How would you describe your last six months?
        RAFAEL NADAL:  Well, lot of difficult situations.  Good situations, too.  When I came back, I was playing okay, in Cincinnati playing well.  But I had the break.  I broke the abdominal.  Yeah, is difficult to play well with these problems, no?
        After Roland Garros and before Roland Garros I had the problems in the knee, so I had two months outside.  When you come back, you need time to have the confidence on your movements, on your game another time.  After that, I had the abdominal break.  So another time one more month.  So after that I came back, I played a good Asian tour.  I played good tournaments in all the places, but not perfect.